> 기술 자료 > 사용자 정의 바꾸기 규칙 추가

사용자 정의 바꾸기 규칙 추가

Custom Replace Rules allow your developers to replace any piece of text or code on your website within minutes.

To add Custom Replace Rules, you must create a new domain for your language in the Localizer dashboard before you can proceed. This can be done by visiting the language settings and clicking on SEO Settings.

Custom Replace Rules are ideal for replacing Google Tracking IDs, allowing you to track the performance of each language domain separately in your Google Analytics dashboard. Just create a new tracking code for each domain in your Google Analytics dashboard and use Localizer's Custom Replace Rules to add the new code to each domain. Custom Replace Rules are available on the server side only.

맞춤 교체 규칙을 추가하려면 다음 단계를 따르십시오.


1 단계.

Log into your Localizer account and click on the Batch Translator tab, followed by the Settings option beside your selected language.


2 단계.

On the popup menu, click on the drop-down beside "Custom Replace Rules" and enter your desired rules in the format [Original Text]###[New Text], with each new rule being added to a separate line.

Google 추적 ID의 경우 기존 ID를 원본 텍스트로 입력 한 다음 새 ID를 새 텍스트로 추가하십시오.


3 단계.

Click on the Save button at the bottom right of the popup screen to save your changes.